Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy Writerโ€™s Stater Kit where you will learn how to begin your novel, avoid the rookie mistakes, and go the distance. In this lesson, we will look at 5 key tips to start writing strong. So pull up a chair, grab your notepaper, and letโ€™s make your dream of writing an awesome fantasy novel happen!


  1. Traci Kenworth

    Thank you! These videos have been so enlightening! I’ve been recommending them on my website for anyone who wants to write.

    • Autumn Birt

      Thank you for the recommendation, Traci! I’m so glad you found them helpful. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Joy Lo-Bamijoko

    Thank you so much for these lessons. I found them very useful. They will come in very handy for me in the future.

    • Autumn Birt

      I’m so glad they helped you, Joy! That is exactly why I made them.

  3. Jeff Chapman

    Thanks, Autumn. These are awesome. Some great actionable advice. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only person trying to squeeze writing time in late at night. Five minutes is five minutes closer to the finish line.

    • Autumn Birt

      Hi, Jeff! So good to hear from you. And no. You are definitely not the only person trying to squeeze in a few minutes of writing time late at night. I’m sure there is a category of writers dedicated to a few more minutes despite a long day.

      Do glad you liked the three videos and found some actionable advice in them. They were such a great challenge to put together and do, but I thought they’d be worthwhile for folks!

  4. KC Herbel

    Hi, Autumn!
    Thanks for the tips and the tools. I will be giving them a try.
    I always like to find these kinds of materials which help me to remain focused on the important stuff, and also not get carried away with too much research or procrastination.

    • KC Herbel

      Almost forgot!
      Looks like the “World Building Cheat Sheet” isn’t done yet.
      Please let us know when it is.

      • Autumn Birt

        It is done. Maybe it didn’t download fully? I’ll email it to you and see if that works.

    • Autumn Birt

      Great, KC! I’m so glad you liked the tools and let me know how it goes using them. And not getting distracted by too much further research is why I developed them. Join the Facebook Group AmWritingFantasy (https://www.facebook.com/groups/AmWritingFantasy/) to help with the procrastination. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. TJ Bland

    Your videos have been so informative and helpful. I’m downloading all of those booklets now, and I’m starting my blog. Now I just have to pick one of my many ideas and run with it!

    I am an avid role-player, I love Dungeons & Dragons and all that, and both playing those games and running them, everyone says I should be an author. So, I’m going to do it.

    As soon as my blog is up and running, I could send you a link, if that’s acceptable. Networking with other authors I think might do me some good.

    • Autumn Birt

      Hi, TJ! Role playing games do seem to be a gateway to writing immersive fantasy novels. So yes, send me a link as you work and set up your blog! You’ll see some more writing tips soon too, to help keep you going. Happy writing!

  6. Naomi Pedneault

    This is the first course that really made things click for me. Thanks so much for putting this together and sharing. Great information that is easy to understand and put to use.

    • Autumn Birt

      I’m so happy that it helped you, Naomi! Best of luck with your writing this new year!

  7. Perry Chalmers

    I love Scrivener, and use it regularly. Do you use Scrapple?

    • Autumn Birt

      I hadn’t checked out Scapple before. It looks really cool! Thanks for letting me know about it. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Michael E.

    Hi, Autumn!

    Thanks for the downloads! The synopsis one has especially helped me to get a better handle on this story. Ever since I subscribed I’ve been wondering whether I was telling too many stories at once with my current project, or what the problem was. Nailing it down to the five elements of the synopsis makes it a lot easier.

    It also makes me realize that I’m actually combining what were originally two story ideas into one. When I first thought to write a sequel, I hadn’t yet met the character that I’m now deciding is my protagonist: he came later, and originally I was going to give him his own story. But now I’m simply going to have the sequel idea be the background for his story, and have him be actively involved in the sequel idea.

    Thanks for all of this! I appreciate your concern for new writers having what you wished you’d had when you started!

    • Autumn Birt

      Yay! It sounds like you are on the right track! I’m so happy the videos and downloads helped. Yes, the synopsis continues to help me plan everything I write from short stories to series. Combine that with the seven steps, and I have a road map for everything I write. Now you do too! ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Mary Van Everbroeck

    A phenomenal amount of information. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and expertise. I look forward to taking your course in the near future.

    • Autumn Birt

      I’m so glad you are finding the Starter Kit helpful, Mary! We look forward to having you in the full course.

  10. James Walker Brown


    Thank you very much for all the thought and work you have put into this introductory series. I think the tool kit you offer is fully fleshed and quite important .
    I for one have a
    Ready found the organizational process to be freeing and certainly drawn from your experience, which is invaluable.
    Your well structured, clearly written teaching on authorship, is sure to prove important for my work.

    • Autumn Birt

      I’m so glad you found the Starter Kit helpful, James! Best of luck to you in your writing. Stop back by and let me know how it is going, or come over to Facebook and join my Am Writing Fantasy group. We have tons of fun, support, and tips there as well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AmWritingFantasy/

  11. Charles Michaud

    Thank you, Autumn for these wonderful videos.
    Just to let you know, I bought the Story Idea ebook, the Plot Development and its companion workbook. It really helps me to develop my characters and story.


    • Autumn Birt

      Oh, gosh, that’s fantastic, Chuck! I’m so glad you’ve found them helpful. I hope the writing keeps going well! โค๏ธ

  12. Malina N Hubler

    Thank you so much Autumn for your helpful video series!! I tried to write by “pantsing” my way through a YA book but because I only had a rough three acts I couldn’t get very far. I’m excited now that I have a better idea of how to outline the first book in the trilogy I will write.

    • Autumn Birt

      That’s fantastic, Malina! Just, yay! This is exactly why I created the Starter Kit and I’m so happy it has helped you out. If you are on Facebook, come join us over there so that if you run into any hiccups you can get some more help. ๐Ÿ’œ


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